Marcus Jon Aitman
Flying Chunk.png

Cadbury Dairy Milk

What's The Choc?

We wanted to see if our fans were as choc-savvy as we thought by testing if they'd really know their Whole Nut from their Turkish when the wrappers were off. They might all have deliciously different middles, but it's not so easy to tell one bar apart from the other when they're unwrapped. Our series of animated mini-games put our fans' chocspertise to the test, while reminding them how many different Dairy Milk bars there are to choose from. 

In house production

In house production

When but budget got tight, we built miniature papercraft sets ourselves. Using a tiny laser cutter, teasers, and a fair amount of retouching, we created posts to show off our 7 scrumptious bars in a joyful Cadbury way. 

Willy Wonka watch out!

Willy Wonka watch out!

To create more buzz around the classic Cadbury bars, we created a limited edition mega Dairy Milk bar. With 7 different rows that each had a different filling, this bar was pretty special. Our fans, and the media went mad for it!