Marcus Jon Aitman
Screenshot 2021-02-16 at 15.02.34.png

Oreo Lick

Oreo Lick TV Idents


Everyone knows that the only way to eat an Oreo is to twist it, lick it and dunk it. But that moment when your tongue touches the creamy filling for the first time is the ultimate taste sensation. It’s a moment where we forget what’s around us, slip into a dream-like state and think of nothing but the creamy goodness. So, we created a mini-series of ads to show just how different people feel when they enjoy this moment.

With surreal and colourful illustrations by Tokyo bassed Lauren Carney and whimsical and playful direction by Zac Ella we brought these moments to life…. (great production work by Craft Films)


What other moments might it be a bit uncomfortable to get caught mid-lick?