Marcus Jon Aitman


Pitch winning creative

Pitch winning creative

Kallø lead the no-nonsense snacking game with their deliciously simple rice cakes. They're made with puffed rice, rich Belgian chocolate and absolutely nothing else. Our pitch-winning route kept the campaign as simple as Kallø's rice cakes!

Beautifully simple relaunch

Beautifully simple relaunch

We embraced Nordic simplicity and found our very own cabin-dwelling carver to give our campaign authenticity. This Scandinavian wood-carving wizard chiselled the perfect backdrop to shoot our rice cakes on, and show off Kallø's simple brand credentials.

The results were great...

The creative was displayed in key commuter hot spots all over London. You couldn't leave the house without seeing the Delightfully Nonsense Free campaign on bus sides, down in the underground or in OOH. And all that media led to a whopping 19.8 million impressions. Not bad for a little rice thin!